This company wants to advertise their product in the most remote place known to man

The whole point of advertisements is to make sure someone sees it, whether it’s during halftime at the Super Bowl, on your drive to work, in a magazine you read, or as a sly reference in the show you watch.

But a Japanese company had decided to put an advertisement where nearly no one will see it…

The Moon.

Pocari Sweat is a sports drink made in Japan. Yes, “sweat” is actually part of its name, because it’s intended to replenish electrolytes you lose in sweating, like Gatorade.

sweat…in a can!

It’s available in select Asian markets in the US and is extremely popular in Japan, and is reported to have a mild grapefruit flavor. It’s clear, like Crystal Pepsi, or for younger readers, like flavored vodka.

But Pocari isn’t content with just taking over the world.

They want to blast a can of their product to the moon:

Set to launch in October 2015, the can will be filled with a powdered version of the popular drink along with the dreams and wishes of 38,000 children from Asia etched inside.

I didn’t know that “dreams and wishes” translated from Japanese to “souls” in English.

I have no idea what advanced technology will be required to etch thirty-eight THOUSAND dreams and wishes on the inside of a can, but man, that’s a heck of a lot of tech.

So how is it getting there?

The product will go up in the Falcon 9 rocket, which is the brainchild of Elon Musk.

It surprises me that literally no other company has tried this before.

Elon Musk may be able to see the future, but even he didn’t think to include a Tesla brochure in his capsule.

There’s no law that prevents companies from advertising on the moon, and this is a publicity dream that Coca-Cola is probably going insane over.

At least when the aliens visit, they’ll land in Japan first.


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