I don’t disagree. Does anyone disagree with this? No? Good. ‘cause science has found a way. Or… at least it’s almost found a way. I know, I know – they’ve been saying that they’ve “almost” concocted their dude catered anti-zygotic remedy for ages now. Sexist to put all the power in your potential co-creators’ hands…
Man goes to work on his birthday. His 101st birthday.
Having to spend your birthday at work sucks. You’re surrounded by people you don’t really like, in a place you don’t really want to be, doing something you don’t really want to do, but hey, there’s cake. A New Jersey man celebrates his birthday at work. Not news, right? I’m sure there’s at least a…
Man arrested for being too buff
Apparently, in Sweden, being too buff is a crime: Police in Malmö, southern Sweden, asked the muscly man on the street if he had been taking performance enhancing drugs. The man evaded the questions, prompting police to search his apartment. Aren’t you glad you live in America, when you can be as buff as you…
Bachelorettes want GQ butlers, not banana hammocks.
Guys like glittery strippery looking ladies. That’s because it’s a sexy visual association with that biological urge to spread their seed. And chicks like a GQ looking dudes – ’cause sharply dressed signifies they’ll either bring home the bread-loaf – or at least won’t be a loafer. Put either of these humans in their outta…
Why You Shouldn’t Be Thawing Your Frozen Steaks Before Cooking
Dude documented wife’s sexcuses in Excel like a tab .___.
And now, in news that makes me feel vicariously dirty, I present to you: Sex spreadsheets! This piece showed up in my newsfeed and made me kinda want to take a second shower. Apparently the new trend is that dudes are making spreadsheets (in between discussing their plans to steal fractions of pennies using a…
You won’t believe the wine stolen at this Boston-area grocery store
Shoplifting seems like something of the past these days, since just about everything over $2 has one of those little scanners on it to prevent you from lifting it on the shelf. Buying a damn razor nearly requires a government security clearance. So it’s a mystery as to how a couple was able to shoplift…
Oh No! These Vodka bottles are just waiting for a hilarious mix-up…
These two UV Vodka bottles appear to be asking for disaster. OCherry and sriracha aren’t similar flavors… One is a sweet fruit that tops ice cream and the other is a spicy chili pepper… could we maybe get some icons or something if the exact same coloring is going to be used for these vastly different…
Appreciate Soccer Via These Models Wearing Only Body Paint
To celebrate the 2014 World Cup (i.e.: to make Americans somehow care about Soccer) Sports Illustrated has posted this video of these fine World Cup models wearing body paint jerseys. We appreciate SI’s dedication to illustrating sports in the classiest most dignified of ways and feel called upon to share their re-share. The video is actually…
This is California’s third largest city. You’ve never heard of it.
When you think of California—you think of big cities like Los Angeles and San Diego. In fact, those are California’s two largest cities by population, with Los Angeles hovering above 3.7 million and San Diego at around 1.3 million people. They’re also California’s two largest cities by area, each occupying over 300 square miles of…