Having to spend your birthday at work sucks.
You’re surrounded by people you don’t really like, in a place you don’t really want to be, doing something you don’t really want to do, but hey, there’s cake.
A New Jersey man celebrates his birthday at work.
Not news, right?
I’m sure there’s at least a dozen men across the state of New Jersey celebrating their birthday at work at exactly this moment.
But this man isn’t your average New Jersey worker.
He’s 101.
doesn’t look a day over 80
He doesn’t work at some lame, pussy desk job, either.
Herman “Hy” Goldman works four days a week at light fixtures company Capitol Lighting in New Jersey.
Apart from a brief absence to serve in the US Army in World War Two, Mr Goldman has worked at Capitol Lighting since 1941.
The store said Mr Goldman was first hired to sell stock and clean the displays.
Not only has he been working for SEVENTY-THREE years, the average lifespan for most people, he’s also an American hero whose only break from work was to serve his country.
By the way–he still drives himself to work.
Every day.
So what’s your excuse for being so lazy again?
HBD, Hy. You’re a man among men.