Chilean Art: Hot Chocolate Waterfall Sip

Do you know those moments in life where it seems like everything around you slows down except for the one thing you’re focusing on? Where you tune out the background, the traffic, and the noise, and all you see is that blond hottie stepping off the subway with the wind from a passing cab fluttering…

This is why we can have nice things. Like noodz.

Ever just strip down, catch a glance of yourself in the mirror and say the following: “This body is awesome. I should share it with my sexy friend who I trust for some stupid reason. Via selfie.” …? Unless you subsequently put back on at least a towel or strategically covered the bits society would…

Why dudes hate showering less than femmes.

Hate cleaning your body? Admittedly – yes. But only shower time and only the getting in and out part. Really, it’s more of a love-hate relache (up there with ASMR and Pharrell) because being under the warm stream of water is magnificent. And going from sweaty stubbly moss body to squeaky clean makes the difference…

Ivy league Anal 101

What was the weirdest class you had in college? For this year’s Harvard kids, I’m gonna go with the one that teaches you how to be distinguished and classy and… Nope, I’m not trolling your fanny fantasies. Naturally, I’m curious about the details of why, where, when, how (and a miscellany of other interrogative articles…

This pup’s gonna be a police dog

Damn, I want a puppy now.   This little guy is with the Boston Police Department, where he will be trained to join the elite K-9 unit. I just realized now that K-9 = “canine”. And that omgheissofkkncuteAHHHH.

What would YOU like to drink? From these boobs?

Remember that story about the truck boobs? The one I literally just wrote? Where the ad company just wanted to see how much attention boobs would attract? But they didn’t put an actual ad on it? Even though I went out of my way to say how great the whole debacle could have been for…

Let’s face it–British soldiers are tough

When you think “British soldier”, you think of a man in leggings and a powdered wig holding a musket. But in fact, the British fighting forces have been one of the toughest in history. They’ve been on the ground on every single continent and reached the most distant corners of the world. They’re also one…

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